Number of items: 283.
Abdallah, Zuhura Ali
Kuchunguza Uhalisiajabu na Dhamira katika riwaya za Kusadikika na Adili
na Nduguze.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Abdulla, Juma Hamad
Kuchunguza Usihiri katika Ngano za Zanzibar.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Abel, Asimwe
Kuchunguza Athari za Kifonolojia za Lugha ya Kihaya Katika Kujifunza Lugha ya Kiswahili.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Abraham, Esther Emmanuel
To Improve Lively Hood of Ushirikianio Women Group through Sewing Activities : A Case of Mwembeni Village In Manyoni District Singida region.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Abraham, Scholastica Tibitha
Factors Influencing Employees’ Satisfaction: A Case of Dodoma City Council, Tanzania.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Aleck, Peter Agingo
Effect of Staff Retention in Delivery of Quality Research Service in Public Research Institutions: A Case of Tanzania Fisheries Research Institute, Dar es Salaam.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Alfayo, Nosimu
Contribution of TASAF II in the livelihood of local community: a case of Ilikiding’a ward.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Alfred, Alkard Machumu
Land Disputes Settlement
Through Alternative Dispute Resolutions in Tanzania: A Case Study of Bagamoyo
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Ali, Aisha Mohamed
Kuchunguza Dhamira ya Mapenzi katika Riwaya ya Kamwe si Mbali Tena”.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Ali, Mwalimu Bakari
Ulinganifu wa Midhihiriko na Matumizi ya Kiambishi “ka” na “ku” katika lahaja ya Kipemba.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Ali, Saada Kheir
Impact of Human Capital on Zanzibar Shipping Corporation Performance.
["eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_phd" not defined] thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Ally,, Amina Mwichande
Employee Resourcing Strategies (ERS) and performance of public organizations in Tanzania”.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Almas, Almas A.
Potential Impacts of Merging Social Security Funds: A case of National Social Security Fund (NSSF) in Dar es Salaam Region, Tanzania.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Anania, Nsajigwa C.
The Role of Financial Institutions on the Growth of Small and Medium Enterprises: A Case Study of Iringa Municipal Council.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Anania,, Nsajigwa C.
The Role of Financial Institutions on the Growth of Small and Medium Enterprises: A Case Study of Iringa Municipal Counci.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Angerous, Palla
Effects of teachers
turnover on teaching effectiveness in Public Primary School at Dodoma Urban
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Anifae, Shilingi and Agapity, Greyson and Mwandumbya, Ernest
The Role of Innovation in Tourism: A Case of Arusha, Tanzania.
International Conference on the Future of Tourism (ICFT).
pp. 1-9.
ISSN 2507-7872
Anthony, Winfrid
The role of Parental Involvement in their Children’s Education towards Pupils’ Academic Performance in Primary School: A case of Bahi District, Dodoma – Tanzania.
Masters thesis, Department of Policy Planning and Administration.
Assenga, Steven J.
Social Perspective
Factors Influencing Career Decision of Post Graduate Students: A case of the Open
University of Tanzania.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Atenaka, Kilave Lloyd
Community Participation in
Water Supply Projects in+ Tumbi Ward; Kibaha Town District Council.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Athmani, Kassim Kaoneka
Education Stakeholders’ Attitudes on the Implementation of Inclusive education in Tanzania: Case study of Tanga City Council.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Awadhi, Alye Salehe
The impact of change management and Organizational restructuring unto Organization productivity.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Ayoub, Salma Yahya
The Impact of Population Growth on Water Resources Availability in Western District, Zanzibar.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Banda, Philomena
Factors for Determining
Maternity Leave in Tanzania, A Case of Medium and Large Industries in Pwani
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Barongo, Erick Felician
Effect of Internal Finance Control on Stabilization of Public Education Institutions in Tanzania: A Case of College of Business Education Headquarters.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Bartholomew, Shukuru
Impacts of Solar Pv Minigrid Electrification on the Livelihoods Transformation of Rural Communities in Korogwe District, Tanzania.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Batinoluho, Ladislaus Fredrick
Examining The Role of Festivals in Tourism Development in Tanzania.
International Conference on the Future of Tourism (ICFT).
pp. 1-16.
ISSN 2507-7872
Bunzali, Ndalahwa
Upimaji Kiwango cha Uelewa wa Mofimu za Uambishaji na Unyambulishaji wa Kiswahili Sanifu kwa Wanafunzi wa Sekondari Tanzania.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Busizori, Ben Twinomugisha
Assessment of Climate Change Impacts on Food Security and Adaptation Strategies Among Smallholder Farmers in Salima District, Malawi.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Chilewa, Asheri
Assessment of the Effect of Transport on School Girls Academic Performance in the City of Dar es Salaam: A Case of Ilala Municipal.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Chobu, Hassan Swalehe
Assessment of The Role of Financial Institutions on the Growth of Small and Medium Enterprises, Case Study of Iringa Municipal.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Choma, Rosemary
Effect of Stigma on Inclusiveness of Persons with Disabilities in Community Development Projects: A Case of Temeke District.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Chugga, Nguno Bahebe
Assessing the effects of unrecognized rural development opportunities on rural youth development in Kakonko district council.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Chum, Zubeida Moh’d
Athari ya Kiswahili Sanifu Katika Msamiati wa Lahaja Ya Kimakunduchi.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Chuma, Mariam Kobelo and Mhache, Emmanuel Patroba
Assessment of The Services Provided by Small and Medium Sized Hotels in Kinondoni District, Dar es salaam Region.
International Conference on the Future of Tourism (ICFT).
pp. 1-22.
ISSN 2507-7872
Daniel, Herick A
Consumer Adoption Challenges on E-Banking in the Tanzanian Banking System: A Case of Selected Banks in Tabora Tanzania.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Daud,, Mgeta
Influence of the
Government Monitoring and Evaluation System on Donor-Funding Attraction in
Tanzania: Case of the Ministry of Health, Community Development, Gender,
Elderly and Children (MoHCDGEC).
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
David, Joseph Iswante
The Contribution of Internal Audits on the Effective Procurement Assignments in Selected Local Government Authorities in Tanzania.
["eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_phd" not defined] thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Dumbi, Remmy Pascal
Improving Livelihood Of Marginalized Homebased Survival Mothers Group Through Batik Making Project At Majengo Ward Arusha City Council.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Edward, Jackson K.
Challenges for Effective Learning among Open and Distance Learners: Experiences from the Open University of Tanzania Students in Kigoma Municipality.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Eliakunda, Walter Kissimbo
Measuring Business to Business Multi-Process Service Quality: A
Study of Dar es Salaam Port Cargo Clearance.
["eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_phd" not defined] thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Elias, Mwanga Zera
Assessment of the effects of Green Innovation Practices on Performance of Restaurants in Tanzania: A case of restaurants in Kinondoni and Ilala Districts, Dar es Salaam.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Elikana, Frank
The Impact of Public Debt on Economic Growth of Tanzania 1990-2017.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Elimuu, Ray J.
The Factors Hindering Access to Loans: A Case of Arusha District in Tanzania.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Felician, Frederick
Makosa ya Kifonolojia Yanayofanywa na Wazungumzaji wa Kihaya Wanaojifunza
Kiswahili Sanifu.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Fue, Editha C.
Factors Influencing Payment of Retirement Benefits in Tanzania; A case of retirees in the Local Council of Masasi District.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Gekondo, Janeth Maheri
Athari za Kikurya Katika Ujifunzaji wa Kiswahili Sanifu Miongoni mwa Wakurya.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Gikaro, Korosso, Samwel
Examination of the
Impact of Community Participation on Municipal Solid Wastes Management in Ilala
Municipal: Case Study of Kipawa And Ilala Wards.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Golyama,, Bahati
Influence of Transformational Leadership on Regional Commissioners’ Offices Performance in Tanzania.
["eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_phd" not defined] thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Gwalema, Susan Rugano
Opportunities For Developing Sustainable Tourism In Njombe Region, Tanzania.
International Conference on the Future of Tourism (ICFT).
pp. 1-17.
ISSN 2507-7872
Gwayega, Machaba S.
Improving income of Datoga Women Mshikamano Group through cattle keeping project in Motukeri Village in Serengeti District.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Haji, Amina Makame
Maana za kimuktadha zilizojitokeza katika semi zilizoandikwa katika majina ya kanga.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Haji, Hamid Abdalla
Local stakeholders participation in effective disaster management in Zanzibar.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Haji, Maulid Khatib
Kuchunguza Mtindo katika riwaya za Kichwamaji na Kuli: Utafiti linganishi.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Hamza, Bimkubwa Abdulla
Mchango wa Mazingira ya Kimaumbile katika Kuibua Majina ya Mahali Kisiwani Pemba.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Harold, Neema
Improving income of the women broiler keepers of Kimara Temboni Sub Ward through enhancing poultry production skills on, Saranga Ward in Ubungo District.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Harushyabana, Bernard
School Punishment and Students Academic Performance in Selected Primary Schools of Gatsibo District: Case of Kiramuruzi Sector.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Hassan, Muhsini
Analyzing determinants of delivery delay of Water Projects in Zanzibar; The case of selected projects undertaken by Zanzibar Water Authority (ZAWA).
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Henry, Martine
The Contribution of Non
Monetary Incentives on Employee Performance.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Hussein, Alumbwage Simon
Assessing The Impact of Human Resource Planning on Organization Performance: The Case of Tanzania Public Service College in Tanga Region.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Hyera, Dennis Werner
An Assessment of Budget Performance on the Development Projects in Local Government Authorities: The Case Study of Mbeya City Council.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Ipando, Njile Omary
The effect of Primary School Head Teachers’ Capacity building on Pupils’ Academic Performance in Meatu District, Tanzania.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Ishika, Perpetua and Kyungai, Dawson
Role of English Language Competence in Promoting Customer Satisfaction in Five Star Hotels in Zanzibar.
International Conference on the Future of Tourism (ICFT).
pp. 1-16.
ISSN 2507-7872
Ismail, Fatma Hassan
Kuchunguza Mtindo na Dhamira katika Tamthiliya ya Mondlane na Samora.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Jaensson, Jan-Erik
The Importance of Destination Networks in The Tourism Industry.
International Conference on the Future of Tourism (ICFT).
pp. 1-14.
ISSN 2507-7872
Jaffary, Majuro
The Factors Influencing
Effectiveness of Open and Distance Learning in Higher Education: A Case Study of
Open University of Tanzania.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
James Mtindi, Emmanuel
The Effects of Social-Cultural Issues on quality Academic Performance among Public Secondary Schools Girls in Kwimba District: A Case of Kwimba District.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Jeremiah,, Lucas
Uchanganuzi wa
Kishazi Tegemezi cha Kisukuma: Mtazamo wa X-Baa”,.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Joseph, Jesse
income generation through selling canvas paintings by VIMA youth group in Lemara ward, Arusha district.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Joseph, Opiyo
Challenges in Accessing Loan for Small And Medium Enterprises: A Case of Songea Municipality”.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Joseph, Paul
Verification of Swahili-English Novel Translation Problems: A Case of Ben Mtobwa’s Dar es Salaam By Night.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Josephat, Matungwa Mwemezi
Assessment of the Effect of
Educational Infrastructure to Students’ Academic Performance in Secondary
Schools in Tanzania. A Case of Bukoba Municipality, Kagera Region.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Joshua, Joel Matiku
The Relationship between Creative Thinking, Metacognitive Thinking, and Academic Performance among Secondary School Students in Tanzania.
["eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_phd" not defined] thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Josiah, Chiguru
Factors Affecting Triple Constraints in Project Management Success.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Julius, Zilpa H.
The Influence of Work
Environment and Personal Skills on Employee Performance at Same District
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Juma, Nonge Ally
Post Privatization Assessment of Agro-Industrial Companies on the Wellbeing of Farmers: A Case of Turiani Sugarcane Out-Growers in Tanzania.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Jumanne, Halid
Impacts of Climate Change on
the Livelihoods of Farming Communities Adjacent to Protected Areas: A Case of
Tarangire National Park.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Kaambu, Teodor Ndilinane
Usefulness of Discarded Woody Materials of Selected Encroacher Tree Species of Savannah Landscapes in Namibia.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Kabote, Forbes and Muranda, Zororo and Mamimine, Walter
Stakeholder Perceptions on Sustainability of Tourism Attractions Development in Zimbabwe.
International Conference on the Future of Tourism (ICFT).
pp. 1-14.
ISSN 2507-7872
Kabuka,, Ntumi Owden
Assessment on Factors
Influencing Employees’ Motivation.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Kairrung, Makaroth Ole
The role of local community
in cultural tourism development in Tanzania; a case of Ololosokwan Ward in
Ngorongoro District.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Kalulu ,, Ronald and Kabera ,, Callixte and Tushabe,, Emmy
Environmental Conservation And its Influence on Tourism Development in Rwanda: Case Study of Rwanda Environment Management Authority (REMA).
International Conference on the Future of Tourism (ICFT).
ISSN ISSN - 2507-7872
Kamnyungu, Boniface Andrea
An Investigation on the effect of School Feeding Program on primary school pupils’ enrolment, attendance and performance in Musoma Rural District, Tanzania.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Kanyankole, Irene C.
Examining Teacher’s Perspectives on Implementation of Curriculum Change for Primary Education in Kinondoni Municipality.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Kapama, Daudi Mussa
Assessment of TASAF–III in Poverty Reduction: A Case Study of Kanazi Ward-Ngara District, Kagera Region, Tanzania.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Kapileh, Jacqueline Martine
Contributing factors to early pregnancy among girls in public secondary schools in Arusha city.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Kara, Nasra
Assessment of Tanzania Tourism Policy of 1999 in Addressing the Needs of People With Disability.
International Conference on the Future of Tourism (ICFT).
pp. 1-20.
ISSN 2507-7872
Karumuna, Delphiner
Factors Affecting Pregnancy Control Programs Among Adolescent Girls in Manzese Ward in Kinondoni.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Karumuna, Delphiner
Factors Affecting Pregnancy Control Programs Among Adolescent Girls in Manzese Ward in Kinondoni District.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Kassim, Mbwana Omar
Contribution of Community Engagement in School Management on Promoting Academic Performance in Tanzania Peoples Defence Forces secondary schools.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Kavishe, Bernard Boniface
Challenges facing Public Sector Standardized Systemized Approach to Project Cycle Management in Tanzania, Case of Tanzania Civil Aviation Authority.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Kawiche, Msami
Effectiveness of
Vicoba in Poverty Eradication in Kinondoni District: A Case Study of
Mwananyamala Ward.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Kawiche, Msami
Effectiveness of
Vicoba in Poverty Eradication in Kinondoni District: A Case Study of
Mwananyamala Ward.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Kebwe, Veronica N. K.
Impact of youth firm participation in networks and technological innovations on business performance: A case study of food processing industry in Morogoro Municipal.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Khamis, Ibrahim Ramadhan
Assessment of Agricultural Production in Prisons to Meet Inmates Demand in Zanzibar.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Khamis, Mwanakhamis Kassim
The Effects of Training on Employees’ Performance: A Case of the Zanzibar Social Security Fund (ZSSF).
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Kidenya, Rodrick Richard
Enhancing Households Food Security Through Construction of Crops Bank For Upendo Group in Ndaleta Village, Kiteto District.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Kigobe, Janeth
Parental Involvement in Literacy Development of Primary School Children in Tanzania.
["eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_phd" not defined] thesis, KU LEUVEN.
Kijanga, Mathias M.
Impact of liquid waste on environmental management in Ubungo Municipality: A case of Sinza War.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Kilungu,, Halima and Ngaruko,, Deus
Nature-Based Tourism in Tanzania Since its Onset: A Lesson For Conservation and Teaching Aid.
International Conference on the Future of Tourism (ICFT).
ISSN ISSN - 2507-7872
Kimario, Lilian
The Effect of E-Banking on Customer Satisfaction in Tanzania: A Case of CRDB Bank.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Kimario, Reginald
Analysis on The Support for Community Initiated Projects (Scips) In Villages Surrounding Kilimanjaro National Park (Kinapa)-The Community Speaks (Perceptions and Challenges).
International Conference on the Future of Tourism (ICFT).
pp. 1-17.
ISSN 2507-7872
Kimashi, Erick
Impact of public private partnership on improving free health services to elderly people in Tanzania public Hospitals.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Kimatare, Béatrice
Increased Household Income through Poultry keeping by Upendo group Members in Isyesye Ward in Mbeya Urban.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Kimaty, Antonia I.
The Effect of Young Women Empowerment Through Vocational Education Training on Poverty Reduction: The Case Study of Temeke District.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Kimbesa, Jestina Japhet
The relationship between
government and NGO’s in Foreign Aid Management: A case of NGOs working in
health and agriculture.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Kimonge, Maria Adolf
Improved Income of Tushirikiane Women Group through soap making in Ngulyati Village, Bariadi District.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Kinabo,, Leandri and Mbogo, Shaaban and Isaksson, Raine
Towards Sustainable Building Materials: Evaluation of Carbon Footprint and Affordability of Cement Blocks in Dar es Salaam Tanzania.
Huria Journal.
Kisovu, Ezekiel S.
The Role of
Headmasters/ Headmistresses in Enhancing Secondary School Students’ Academic
Performance: A Case Study in Kinondoni District.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Kitto, John Isaack Batholomayo
Kuchunguza wa Siasa na Itikadi Katika Tamthiliya ya Nyota ya Tom Mboya.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Kivuyo, Esther S.
Improving Income of Young Single Mothers through Green Vegetable Production in Nzasa Hamlet, Charambe Ward, Temeke District, Dar es Salaam Region.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Kombania, Julius Reginald
Assessment of socio
economic conditions associated with teen pregnancy in Tanzania.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Kombo,, Ali
Kuchunguza Dhamira katika nyimbo za Harusi Kisiwani Unguja: Mifano kutoka Nyimbo Teule.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Kondo, Zuweina
Sustainability Assessment of electronic based health information systems in Tanzania: A case study of TB and Leprosy DHIS2 system in Dar Es salaam and Dodoma July 2019.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Kullaya, Siril Michael
Evaluation of malaria
morbidity trends in the complex humanitarian settings in north western Tanzania.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Kuteya, Juma Mohamed
Upimaji wa ufahamu wa kiswahili kama lugha ya kufundishia shule za msingi.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Kyando, Lugano
Factors Determining Loan Repayment in Tanzania: A Case of CRDB Bank, Meru Branch, Arusha.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
L.B., Mwijarubi and N.P., Sabulaki
Assessment of Business Tourism in Promoting Tourism Growth in Arusha, Tanzania.
International Conference on the Future of Tourism (ICFT).
pp. 1-26.
ISSN 2507-7872
Lenjima, Jemima
Kuchunguza Maana ya Majina Asilia ya Watu Katika Jamii ya Wajita Mkoani Mara Nchini Tanzania.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Libaba, Benedictor
Efficiency of Monitoring
and Evaluation in Road Sectors Performance: Case of TARURA Projects in Dodoma
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Lighola, Leonard C.
The Effects of Corporal Punishment To Students’ Performance in Public Secondary Schools.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Lihiru, Agricola Roman
The Socio- Economic
Consequences of Elephant Destructions on Communities Adjacent to Ruaha
National Park, Tanzania.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Lihiru,, Agricola Roman
The Socio- Economic
Consequences of Elephant Destructions on Communities Adjacent to Ruaha
National Park, Tanzania.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Loth, Nessele
An assessment of risk in housing investment Performance of the political parties in Tanzania. Case of CHAMA CHA MAPINDUZI (CCM).
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Lyangwa, B’hango January
Assessment of Village Council Contribution to Local Government Development in Iramba District Council.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Lyatuu, Justin Mathew
Influence of Roads Infrastructure Development on Community Livelihood in Dodoma City.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Mabuli, Juvenal Daniel
Monitoring Capacity of the Community Owned Water Supply Organizations for Rural Water Supply Projects: A Case of Mkuranga District, Tanzania.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Machanga, Masele Alfred
Assessment of Factors
Affecting Industrial Development In Tanzania, The Case Study of Mikocheni Coca-
Cola Industry.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Machenje, Siah
Effect of Motivation factors on Employees performance: A case study of the open University of Tanzania.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Madari,, Ramadhan Khamis
Assessment of TASAF II Operation on Poultry Keeping in Zanzibar.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Maeda, Victoria
Promotion of Income Generation through Poultry Farming at HouseHold level, A case study of Mama’s Group in Goma Village, Same District.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Magessa, Pendo Bryceson
Investigating the Influence of Teachers’ Motivation on Job Performance in Secondary Schools: A Case of Geita Town Council.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Mahimbo, Clotilda William
Athari za lugha nyingine kwenye mizizi ya maneno ya lugha ya Kisambaa.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Mairo, Happiness Samwel
Assessment of the Effectiveness of Voluntary Counseling and Testing (VCT) in Reducing HIV Transmission Among Adolescent Secondary School Students in Tanzania: A Case Study of Kibaha Township, Coast Region.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Makota, Anitha Max
Mshindi Women Group through rice value.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Malengo, Said A.
Sustainability Challenges Face Tour Operations and Tourist Guiding Services in Zanzibar.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Mambo, Kalistus Omari
Assessing the Effect of Customer Relationship Management on Customer Satisfaction in Telecommunication Sector: A Case Study of Tigo Tanzania Limited Dar es Salaam Region Customers.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Mangi, Joyce Elia
Athari za Lugha ya Kinyaturu katika Ujifunzaji wa Kiswahili kama Lugha ya
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Masalu, Farida Sebastian and Ulomi., Eunice Nderingo
Organizational Factors That Contribute to Employee Turnover in Tanzania.
International Conference on the Future of Tourism (ICFT).
pp. 1-12.
ISSN 2507-7872
Masanja, Njana Tegisi
Uchunguzi wa Kisemantiki wa Majina ya Asili Katika Koo za Ginantuzu.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Masoy, Susan
Students perception of
quality of library services in the context of open and distance learning in Tanzania:
A case of the Open University of Tanzania.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Massawe, Upendo Elifinya
Effectiveness of Guinea Fowl as Biological Control Method for Ticks in Protected Areas: A Case of Saanane Island National Park, Mwanza Region Tanzania.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Masuha,, George Zakaria
An assessment of critical factors affecting quality performance of government financed construction projects: a case of Morogoro municipality at MORUWASA.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Matata, Peter Z.
An assessment of climate variability and change adaptation strategies among small sale farmers in semi-arid areas of Tanzania.
["eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_phd" not defined] thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Matyoko, Peter Andrea
Assessment of the Effectiveness of Monitoring and Evaluation Systems on NGOs Projects Sustainability in Tanzania.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Maulid,, Haji
Factors Influencing Electronic
Fraud in Banking Industry in Tanzania: A Case Study of Peoples Bank of Zanzibar.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Mbao, Ezekiel Henry
Determinants of Health
seeking behaviours among youth involved in substance abuse in Kinondoni Municipality, Dar es Salaam.
["eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_phd" not defined] thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Mbele, Daileth Innocent
the contribution of radio
stations in raising HIV/AIDS awareness: The case of Clouds FM Radio in
Dodoma City, Tanzania.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Mbezi, Festo Daniel
The Effectiveness of Opportunities And Obstacles Approach to Development (O & OD) in Enhancing Impacts of Projects to Beneficiaries: A Case Study of Ndala Ward in Shinyanga Municipal.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Mbiha, Neema Emmanuel
The Role of Internal Audit on Corporate Governance: A Case of Simiyu Regional Council, Tanzania.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Mbilinyi, Bahati D.
Tourism Dining Experiences in Tanzania:
an International Tourists’ Perspective.
International Conference on the Future of Tourism (ICFT).
pp. 1-18.
ISSN 2507-7872
Mboya, Pamela Geofrey
The Effectiveness Of ICT Integration to Students’ Learning in Government Secondary Schools Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Mbwambo, Allen Joshua
The Influence of Sales
Promotion on Organization Performance; An Intermediaries Perspective. A Case
Study of Tanzania Portland Cement Company Limited.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Mchete, Tumain John
Effectiveness of Induction
Training on Employees Performance in Public Universities: Case Study of the Open
University of Tanzania.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Mdendemi, Rehema Tiberio
Institutional Challenges in Managing Urban Livestock Keeping in Tanzania: A Case of Bylaws in Dodoma City and Morogoro Municipal Council.
["eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_phd" not defined] thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Mduba, Shella Masud
Implementation of National Ageing Policy on Provision of Free Health Services to Old People: A Case of Meru District Council.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Meleki, Peter Ludoviki
Analysis of Factors
Influencing Observation of the World Health Organisation Five Keys to Safe Food
through Monitoring of Prevalence of Diarrhoeal Diseases in Mbeya City.
["eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_phd" not defined] thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Mero, Flora
Assessment of Factors Influencing the Success of Monitoring and Evaluation Systems for Local NGO’s in Mwananyamala Ward: The Case of PACT Tanzania.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Mfalamagoha, David S. M.
The Relationship Between Institutional Factors and Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Inflows in Tanzania.
["eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_phd" not defined] thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Mgalula, Priscilla
Effectiveness of School Boards in Enhancing Quality Education in Songea Municipality.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Mhache, Emmanuel Patroba
Potentials of Forests on Nature Based Tourism in Tanzania: A Case of Rau Forest Reserve, Moshi Urban District, Kilimanjaro Region.
International Conference on the Future of Tourism (ICFT).
pp. 1-19.
ISSN 2507-7872
Mhagama, John B.
Impact of Talent
Management on Organization Performance in Public Sector: A Case of Tanzania
Revenue Authority at Mwanza City Council.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Millinga, Kaspar Robert
Influence of Institutional
Forces in Creating Employment through Catfish Farming in Rukwa, Tanzania,.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Mkolo, Agnes Modestus
Examining the Availability
and Use of Electronic Resources by Postgraduate students and Academic Staff in
Academic Libraries in Tanzania: A Case Study of Muhimbili University of Health
and Allied Sciences (MUHAS) Library.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Mkwizu, Kezia H.
New Media and Source Markets For Domestic Tourism in Tanzania: Case of Southern National Parks.
International Conference on the Future of Tourism (ICFT).
pp. 1-13.
ISSN 2507-7872
Mlenge, Ali Suleiman
Assessment of Zanzibar Pension Scheme Fund of the retirement house hold welfare; A Case of West Urban Region.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Mlowe, Dionisia Benjamin
Assessment of Prevalence of Maternal Morbidity and Disability: A Case of Tumbi Regional Referral Hospital, Coast Region, Tanzania.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Mnyoty,, Shufaa
The Effect of Motivation on Performance of Librarians at Universities in Tanzania: A Case of the University of Dodoma.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Mnzava, Agape T.
Determination of the Impact of
Monitoring And Evaluation on Business Development Services on Providing Effective Services to
SMEs: A Case f Mwanza City.
["eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_phd" not defined] thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Moh`d, Fatma Rashid
Kuchunguza Dhamira za Mapenzi na Usaliti katika Riwaya ya Mfadhili.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Mollel, Emmanuel Siray
Influence of Professional Development on Performance of Public Secondary Schools Teachers in Tanzania.
["eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_phd" not defined] thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Morris, Kundy
The Role of Tourist Hotels in the Consumption of Cultural Tourism in Tanzania- A Focus on Tourist Hotels in Kilimanjaro Region.
International Conference on the Future of Tourism (ICFT).
pp. 1-13.
ISSN 2507-7872
Moshi, Henry Sweddy and Makundi, Asantiel and Reguly, Baltazar Mushy
Land Degradation and its Impacts on Cultural Tourism Among the Indigenous Peoples in Tanzania: A Case of the Hadzabe.
International Conference on the Future of Tourism (ICFT).
pp. 1-16.
ISSN 2507-7872
Mosimanegape, Phetogo Sechele and J.J, Prinsloo
Competitiveness of Botswana as a Tourist Destination.
International Conference on the Future of Tourism (ICFT).
pp. 1-14.
ISSN 2507-7872
Mpolenkile, Azaria Zabron
Assessment Of Customer Satisfaction Towards Organisation Performance: A Case of National Insurance Corporation– Morogoro Branch.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Mporananayo, Noel and Ng’umbi, Michael
Assessment of the perception of TVET Tutors in Rwanda on their level of Technological, Pedagogical and Content Knowledge (TPACK): a Case of Integrated Polytechnic Regional Colleges (IPRCs).
IOSR Journal Of Humanities And Social Science, VOL.24 (6).
pp. 29-38.
ISSN e-ISSN: 2279-0837, p-ISSN: 2279-0845.
Msechu, Abraham
“Assessment of Socio-Economic Impacts of Street Children to the Community: A Case Study of Nyamagana Ward, Mwanza.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Mseti, Elias and Kilungu, Halima
Impacts of Political Instability on the Future of Tourism Growth: The Case of Tanzania.
International Conference on the Future of Tourism (ICFT).
pp. 1-12.
ISSN 2507-7872
Msiga,, Epheta G.
Effects of Positive Parenting Practices on Children Behavior in Tanzania at Temeke Municipal Dar es salaam Region.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Msigala,, Blasia Sifael
Proficiency of English
Language and Student’s Academic Performance: A Case of Temeke Municipality.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Msigwa, Fredrick Joseph
Impacts of Tobacco Production on Forest Resources Management in Kasulu District, Tanzania.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Msimbe, Christopher Adam
Challenges and Opportunities towards Provision of Quality Early Childhood Education in Tanzania.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Mtalitinya,, Jacob
Regulation of Data Protection and Privacy in Public Sector in Tanzania: A Comparative Study.
["eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_phd" not defined] thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Mtessigwa, Wilbert Mganga
The Effect of Monitoring
Function on Implementing Fraud Risk Management Framework in Public Sector
organizations: case of Bukombe District Council in Tanzania.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Mtinda, Fadhili Shabani
The Effects of Talent Management Practices on the Performance of the Executive Agencies in Tanzania: The Case of Tanzania Public Service College.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Mtitu, Neema
Promotion of Income Generation through Poultry Farming at House Hold level, A case study of Tupendane Women Group in Msigani Ward Ubungo District.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Mtui, Elizabeth F.
Digitalization of the Human Resources Management: Changes and Challenges - A Case Study of Mwananchi Communications LTD.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Mtui, Vitalis Peter
Effects of boundary disputes
on biodiversity conservation in Protected Areas: A case study of Tarangire National
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Mugobi, Thereza Israel
Challenges Facing Tourist Handicraft Entrepreneurs at Greenmarket Square, Cape Town.
International Conference on the Future of Tourism (ICFT).
pp. 1-18.
ISSN 2507-7872
Mugolozi, Caroline Nimehi
Challenges affecting performance of literature in English in Tanzania ordinary level secondary schools: A case of Tabora Municipality.
Masters thesis, Department of Policy Planning and Administration.
Muna,, Douglas Wachira
an analysis of the corporate social responsibility practices and its impact on company’s performance: a case of NMB bank (TZ.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Mundo, Chogohe Edwin
Assessment of Factors
Affecting Effective Participation of Youth in Horticulture Farming: A case study of
Zanzibar Islands.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Mussa, Mussa Ali
Assessment of Community Policing as a Crime Reduction Strategy by the Police Force in Tanzania: The Case of Zanzibar.
["eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_phd" not defined] thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Mutabuzi, Khalifa Abubakary
Assessment of the effect of tourism activities on the local communities living around Mikumi National Park in Morogoro Region.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Mwabenga, Bupe Kalonge
Effectiveness of HIV and AIDS Social Support Coping Skill to PLWHA in Kinondoni Municipality, Dar es Salaam: A Case Study of Mwananyamala Hospital.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Mwacha, Emanuel Raymond
The Effects of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction in the 3 Stars’ Hotels in Arusha City.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Mwakahesya, Uswege Asobenie
Entrepreneurship Training Programmes to Recidivists and their Reintegration into the Community.
["eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_phd" not defined] thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Mwakibuti, Willie
Factors Motivating Employees’ Performance in Private Sector in Songwe Region.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Mwambungu, Jackson Jasson
Impact of rural financial
institutions services on agribusiness SMEs performance in Tanzania: A case of
Kagera region.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Mwamwaja, Peter Elisha
The Academic Performance of Pupils with Autism and Pupils with Intellectual Impairment in Special and Inclusive Primary Schools in Tanzani.
["eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_phd" not defined] thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Mwanache, Elizabeth Erasto
Factors influencing low
participation of female teachers in public primary school leadership in Tanzania: A
case of Mtwara District Council.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Mwanjelwa, Mary Machuche
Assessment of School Governance in Influencing Performance of Primary Schools in Tanzania: a case of Government Schools - Mbeya City Council.
["eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_phd" not defined] thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Mwanyesya, Joel
Towards effective management of students’ academic records: Opportunities and Challenges of Integrating SARIS in Secondary Schools in Bagamoyo District.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Mwashimanga, Edgar E.
The contribution of national social security funds on income poverty reduction: A case of NSSF morogoro branch in Tanzania.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Mwemezi, Renatus
An Assessment of the Implementation of the EAC Peace and Security Architecture.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Mwinyi, Nassir Mohamed
Assessment of Factors Affecting Sustainability of Water Supply System in Zanzibar: The Case Study of Urban West Region Unguja.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Nchimbi, Audi
The influence of Open
Performance Review and Appraisal System on employees’ performance: The
Experience from Iramba District Council.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Nchimbi, Hamza
Rule of Law under Multiparty democracy in Tanzania: Law and Practice.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Nchimbi,, Ausi
The influence of Open
Performance Review and Appraisal System on employees’ performance: The
Experience from Iramba District Council.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Ndalechi, Damas Raphael
The Influence of Non-Financial Recognitions to Employee Performance: A Case of World Wide Fund.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Ndamo, Martine Phillipo
Causes and Effects of Labour Turnover on the Performance of Local Government Authorities in Tanzania: A Case of Iramba District Council.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Ndetaulwa, Christina Sifaeli
The Influence of Resource
Mobilization on the Sustainability of Community Water Projects: A Case Study of
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Ndile, Frank
Assessment on the Role
of Motivation in Improving Teachers’ Job Performance in Private Secondary
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Ngando, Ngando Donald
Assessment of factors affecting performance of women entrepreneurs. The case of Kizuiani Sokoni.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Ngatuni, Clara V. F.
Examination of the Factors Influencing Beneficiaries’ Withdraw from Social Security System (NSSF) in Ilala Dar es Salaam.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Ngungat, Samwel Savunyu
Challenges Faced Tour Operators in Promotions of Their Products and Services in Tanzania: A Case Study of Tour Operators in Arusha City.
International Conference on the Future of Tourism (ICFT).
pp. 1-16.
ISSN 2507-7872
Ngwinye, Omary J.
Effects Of Political Leadership On Health Services Delivery In Tanzania: A Case of Ubungo Municipal.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Nilahi,, Jerome Metody
An Exploration of Factors Influencing Wild Animals Poaching in Ruvuma Region Tanzania.
["eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_phd" not defined] thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Njau, Lucresia Dismas
“Factors contributing to girls student dropout in Tanzanian secondary schools in Tanzania: A Case of Sengerema Township.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Nkamata, Alex
The Challenges That Single Parented Students Face in Attaining Secondary Education: A Case of Buhigwe District, Kigoma in Tanzania.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Nkinda, Frank John
contribution of trade unions on workplace productivity: a case of the institute of social work, Tanzania.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Noel, Mary
The role of motivation on
employee’s performance in Strategies Insurance Tanzania Limited.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Nombo, Upendo Willy
Evaluation on the Effectiveness of Teachers Training Programmes in Preparing Teachers Towards Implementing Competency Based Curriculum: The Case of Sumbawanga Municipality, Tanzania.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Ntangeki, Evelyne
Influences of Decentralized Fiscal System on Provision of Infrastructures in Public Primary Schools in Tanzania: Bukoba Municipal Council, Kagera Region.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Nyamaka, Kasukura
The Impact of Informal
Savings Schemes on Household welfare of Smallholder Farmers in Kilolo
District, Iringa, Tanzania.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Nyati, Seif Abdallah
Efficiency of Phragmites karka on the Phytoremediation of Poultry Litter Contaminated Soil.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
O.O, Ajayi and A.A, Alarape and U.U, Oluyisola
Environmental Attitudes of Visitors to Nature Based Tourism Destinations; Obafemi Awolowo University Biological Garden in Perspective.
International Conference on the Future of Tourism (ICFT).
pp. 1-18.
ISSN 2507-7872
Omal, Asobasi Immaculate
Pedagogical Practices and Learners’ Performance in Upper Primary Education in Uganda: A Case of Wakiso District.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Omar, Maryam Ali
Kuchunguza Mbinu za Kikorasi katika Tamthiliya ya Sadaka ya John Okello na Mondlane na Samora: Utafiti linganishi.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Omar, Said H.
The influence of
environmental factors on species diversity on crab and mangrove community in
salt panning and non-salt panning in Wete District; Pemba.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Omary, Sada
Human Resource Succession Planning Dynamics in Higher Learning Institutions in Tanzania: A Case of the University of Dodoma.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Otieno, Caroline Marygorety Akinyi
Climate Change, Gender Vulnerability and Adaptation Mechanism; A Study of the Ilchamus Community Living around Lake 94 in Baringo County Kenya.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Pallangyo, Naimani Sarikiel
Assessment of Human Health Risk Due to Accumulation of Heavy Metal in African Green Leafy Vegetable Irrigated by Waste Water in Arusha Municipality.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Patrick, Michael
Poverty Alleviation Through Tourism Activities: A Case of Amani and Uluguru Mountain Nature Reserves.
International Conference on the Future of Tourism (ICFT).
pp. 1-17.
ISSN 2507-7872
Philip, Ferdinand Moshi
Regulation of Corporate
Social Responsibility Practices in Tanzania.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Ramadhani, Masanja Martine
Harmonisation of
Consumer Protection Laws In Mobile Money Transaction Across East African
Community. A Comparative Study of Kenya And Tanzania.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Rangi, Wambuka
The Role of Natives in Development of Domestic Tourism in Morogoro Region, Tanzania: Perception and Attitudes.
International Conference on the Future of Tourism (ICFT).
pp. 1-14.
ISSN 2507-7872
Rashid, Bishara Mohamed
Analysing Factors Affecting Project Performance in Zanzibar: A Case of Support to Anti-Corruption Initiatives Project in Zanzibar.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Roch, Ngabo Yisonga Matabaro
Effect of external debt on the economic growth of Rwanda:1991-2016.
["eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_phd" not defined] thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Ronald, Kalulu and Callixte, Kabera and Tushabe, Emmy
Environmental Conservation and its Influence on Tourism Development in Rwanda: Case Study of Rwanda Environment Management Authority (REMA).
International Conference on the Future of Tourism (ICFT).
pp. 1-23.
ISSN 2507-7872
Rubinda, Issa
La participation des enseignants dans le processus curriculaire comme facteur de réussite d’une réforme des programmes- le cas de trois DCE au Burundi.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Rugano, Susan
Opportunities For Developing Sustainable Tourism In Njombe Region, Tanzania.
International Conference on the Future of Tourism (ICFT).
pp. 1-17.
ISSN 2507-7872
Rugeiyamu, Rogers
The Role of OPRAS on
Employees’ Performance: a Case Study of Local Government Training Institute”.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Rugimbana, Adelina
The factors contributing to physical gender violence among married women in Arumeru district Arusha region.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Rutechura,, Deodatus Rutechura
Impact of Banning Imported
Second-hand Clothes on the Local Manufacturing Industries’ Promotion in the EAC
Region: Case of Tanzania.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Rwegerera, Gideon Mbeta
The Effect of Service Quality Delivery on Customer Satisfaction in the Banking Industry in Tanzania: A Case of I&M Bank (T) Limited”.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Rwelamila, Judith
The Role of Teachers’ Motivation on Students’ Academic Performance: The Case of Private Secondary Schools in Dar es Salaam.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Rwelamila, Judith
The Role of Teachers’ Motivation on Students’ Academic Performance: The Case of Private Secondary Schools in Dar es Salaam.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Rwetembula, Burchard Mpaka Bernardo
An Analysis of Institutional
Arrangements in Governance of Agrarian Systems: A Case Study of Muleba and
Missenyi Districts.
["eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_phd" not defined] thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Sabi, Esther
An Assessment Of The
Contribution Of Foreign Budget Support Towards National Health Goals
Achievement In Kinondoni Municipal Council.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Said, Amina
Assessment of
Beekeepers’ Perception on Adoption of Modern Technologies in Beekeeping in
Iringa Region.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Said, Amina
Assessment of Beekeepers’ Perception on Adoption of Modern Technologies in Beekeeping in Iringa Region.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Said, Rahma Mohammed
Kuchunguza Uhalisiajabu katika Riwaya ya Mzimu wa Watu wa Kale.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Said,, Abdallah Ahmed
Towards Making Secondary Schools Learning Organizations: The Role of School Heads in Ubungo Municipality.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Salum, Saada Abdul
The Rights of Persons Working under Probation Period in an Employment Setting: A Comparative Analysis Between Tanzanian and South African Jurisdictions.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Seliudi, Muganyizi
“Assessing Factors Causing Delay and Cost Overruns in Construction of Ground Water Project in Dar es salaam.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Shambe, Mahmoud Abdullatif
The Effects of
Working Condition of Teacher’s Performance in Temeke Public Secondary Schools.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Shangwe, Devotha
Factors Affecting the
Growth of Small and Medium Enterprises in Kinondoni Municipality.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Shayo, France and Uiso, Shayo
Entrepreneurial Orientation and Tourism Firm’s
Performance in Tanzania: Reflections Into the Future.
International Conference on the Future of Tourism (ICFT).
pp. 1-17.
ISSN 2507-7872
Shayo, Neema Robert
Role of
participatory monitoring and evaluation (PM&E) in SACCO’s performance in
Arumeru District.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Shija,, Stella Mabondo Yonah
Effects of Seasonal Variability and Processing Methods on Biochemical Composition of Selected Fish from Tanzania Marine Waters.
["eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_phd" not defined] thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Shine,, Yudathadey Leon
Improvement of
farm income through sunflower production by Kibihu farmers’ group in Mbuguni,
Arumeru district.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Sinare, Vanessa
Assessment of tourist
satisfaction by tour guides interpretation services of marine resources in Mafia
Island, Tanzania.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Solomon,, Nweke Sunday
The Effect Of Leadership Styles On Workers’ Productivity A Case Of Golden Tulip Hotel, Dar Es Salaam.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Suleiman, Asha Khalfan
Kuchunguza Dhamira ya Ukombozi katika Riwaya ya Kusadikika na Vuta
N’kuvute: Utafiti Linganishi.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Swalehe, Kamali S.
Assessment of Passenger’s
Satisfaction with Public Transport Services: A Case of Dar es Salaam Bus Rapid
Transit Services (DBRT) in Tanzania.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Temu, Aika Anderson
Perception of Beneficiaries and Non-Beneficiaries on Community Health Fund as a Sustainable Family Health Insurance in Chunya District.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Tery, Lilian
Administrative and
Socio-economic Factors affecting performance in Mathematics among the Primary
Schools Pupils in Kilosa District.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
The, Open University of Tanzania
International Conference on the Future of Tourism (ICFT).
In: Future Tourism, Arusha, Tanzania.
The Open University of Tanzania, OUT and Open Educational Resource-Africa, OER-Africa
Digital Fluency Course: Digital Fundamentals.
[Teaching Resource]
Tonya, Emmanuel M. and Matilda, Lameck
Unexplored Tourist Sites in Tanzania: Experience of Mbeya and Songwe Regions.
International Conference on the Future of Tourism (ICFT).
pp. 1-17.
ISSN 2507-7872
Tumwebaze, Joseline
The Impact of Motivation on the Employees Performance: A Case Study of Rabininsia Memorial Hospital.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Tweve, Trust F.
Assessing the Impact of Introduction of Free Education to Student Enrollment at Secondary School in Ubungo District.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Ugulumu, Vitus Victor
Management of Product Quality in the Tanzania Manufacturing Sector: Case Study of the Ubungo Municipal.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Uiso, Hawa
Service Innovation and SMEs in Tourism: The Case of Travel Agencies.
International Conference on the Future of Tourism (ICFT).
pp. 1-12.
ISSN 2507-7872
Uswege Asobenie Mwakahesya, Uswege Asobenie
Entrepreneurship Training Programmes to Recidivists and their Reintegration into the Community.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Waziri, Twaha Issah
Factors Influencing Persistence of Child Labour in Tanzania : A Case Study of Morogoro Rural District.
["eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_phd" not defined] thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
William, Alex
Impact of the human settlement to the water resources around lake Victoria in Misungwi district.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Yacob, Herry
Access to Sanitary Pads Services and Academic Performance of Girls Students in Public day Schools in Morogoro Municipality, Tanzania.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Yonazi, Elihaki
Kuchunguza Usanaa wa Lugha katika Kujenga Dhima za Nyimbo za Harusi
Katika Jamii ya Waasu.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Zacharia, Anthony
Effect of Corruption in Construction Industry a study Case of National Housing Corporation.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Zakaria, Zakayo M.
Effect of Electronic Fiscal Device Machines on Domestic VAT Revenue in Tanzania.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Zella, Adili Yohana
Implication of Climate
Change on Land Uses of Selous-Niassa Transfrontier Conservation Area,
Tanzania and Mozambique.
["eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_phd" not defined] thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
This list was generated on Sun Feb 23 00:01:23 2025 EAT.