Elirehema, Elisadiki
Assessment of the Effectiveness of Educational Policy on Retention of academic Staff in Tanzania teachers’ colleges.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
This study assessed the effectiveness of the educational policy on retention of academic staffs in Tanzania teachers’ colleges. A sample of 71 respondents participated in the study. Sixty seven (67) were college tutors and four (4) were College Principals making 31.5% of the population. The sample was picked from four teachers colleges in Morogoro Region using systematic and purposive sampling methods. Data were collected by questionnaires, focus group discussion and documentary review methods. Processing of data was done both qualitatively and quantitatively. The study assessed policy documents that manage teachers in the education sector, analysed magnitude of attrition and identified causes of attrition in study area. Different policy documents were found with regard to retention, a good number of tutors were found to leave stations for various reasons. Transfer to other stations, joining other professions, joining Universities as tutorial assistants/lecturers and appointment into offices as causes of attrition. The causes of attrition were compared with requirements of the policy and found that 42% of the tutors who leave do not comply with policy demands. The study also found that low pay, securing good paying job, negligence of tutors’ claims, lack of professional autonomy and hostile relationship ranked sequentially as initiators of attrition. The findings showed twenty two respondents’ equals to 32.8% of the sample suggesting amendment of policy to enhance retention. Also motivational factors were given and were used to devise a retention model (Fig 4.7) to enhance retention of tutors for sustainability and efficiency of teachers’ colleges.
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