Chonjo , Harrison E.
Janja Stove Renewable Source Of Energy For Sustainable Economic Development: Maji Ya Chai Community Women Training In Arusha.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Energy is one on the resource that human being/community use in daily life. The consumption of these energy counts on daily living cost and determine standard of living. Renewable energy sources are one of the friendly sources of energy in various spheres like; economic, health and environment. The main objective of this study was to assess the sustainability of Janja stove in the community by analyzing it financial advantages. Still there is a big existing gap in between the users and suppliers of renewable energy. Both public and private institution have to assort their effort together in promoting renewable energy not only for sustainable economic development but also for environmental and health security. The survey was carried out in Meru District in Arusha City between September 2013 and June 2014 in collaboration with the CARMATEC and ATC. It involved 117 respondents from Maji ya Chai ward and 7 village executive officer’s. The principal methodology used in this study was descriptive statistics where various tools were used include interviews, Questionnaires, Focus Group Discussion and Key Informants Interviews. The study suggest various mitigation to the problem; by conducting Community training on importance of renewable energy, The government should provide both financial and technical support to the isolated communities, Research on other renewable energies should be done so as to propel development in the community, Produced products should be customer oriented rather than producer oriented
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