Matiro, Josephine R.
Reducing HIVS/AIDS Risk to Youth Through Income Generating Activity: A case study of Tandala Ward, Makete District -Njombe.
Masters thesis, The Open University Of Tanzania.
Because of unemployment, majority of the youth in Tandala Ward are at risk of contracting HIV as they involve themselves in risk behaviors. Creating employment opportunities and providing education on HIV/AIDS, there is possibility to have HIV free community if people are well informed and empowered. A project on Reducing HIV-AIDS Risk to Youth people through Income Generation Activity: A case study of Tandala Ward, Makete District, Tanzania was implemented. The project goal was to empower the youth in fighting against HIV/AIDS and creating employments opportunity through income generating activities. The project was the results of a community need assessments which was undertaken at Tandala ward, Makete district. A purposive and random sampling technique was applied in selection of the samples for interview. Participatory approach was employed on data collection. Statistical Package for Social Science and Macro soft excel was used to analyse the data on community, economic, health and environmental assessments. The priority problem observed by Participatory Assessment was HIV/AIDS and Youth Unemployment in Tandala ward. The research revealed that, there is a correlation between unemployment and spread of HIV pandemic. For example, in a focus group discussion between community members and a researcher, 65% of the respondents stated that, HIV/AIDS is increasing and 90% of respondents think that, there is a high prevalence of HIV/AIDS in young people than in other age groups. It was concluded that by creating income generating project (such as potatoes cultivation) as an employments opportunity will enable youth group to support themselves economically, improve their standard of living and reduced spread of HIV infections.
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