Barago, Daniel Kadeswa
Factors Affecting Household
Food Security: A Case Study of Mtwara Rural District-Mtwara Region.
Masters thesis, The Open University Of Tanzania.
This study examined the factors that affect household food security in Mtwara rural
district. The specific objectives were(a) to establish the level of knowledge about
food security (b) to establish the level of food production at household level (c) to
assess the impact of food insecurity at household level on family members. A case
study research design was used in this study. Structured questionnaires, Focus Group
Discussions and In-depth Interview from Key Informants were the main instrument
for data collection. Both qualitative and quantitative data were processed using Epi
Info Version 3.2.2 (2004) soft ware for analysis. The study revealed that, despite
59.9% having excellent knowledge on food security food insecurity still exist. Food
production was on subsistence level despite 32.2% having farming experience of
more than 10 years. About 90.8% used hand hoe in farming. Further, about 95.5%
did not apply agricultural inputs. It was revealed that, 56.8% of all food was sold
immediately after harvest. The study revealed that, 75% of storage structures were
kitchen ceiling and 24.2% polythene bags. About 79.1% did not treat food before
storage. About 33.5% of all food stored food was destroyed during storage, 61.5%
lost between 1-200 kg, 27.2% lost between 201-400 kg, 5.2% lost between 401-600
kg while 6.1% lost more than 601 kg. Overall, 46.8% was food insecure. It was
concluded that, poor farming technology, excessive selling and poor storage
contributed to food insecurity in the study area. It was recommended that, farming
technologies and storage structures and techniques should be improved.
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