Kansimba, Leonard D.
Assessment of Factors that Determine who Goes for In-service Training.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
The study assessed the factors that determine who goes for in-service training: a caseof primary school teachers in Rungwe district. General the study intended to assessthe factors that determined who goes for in services training in Rungwe district forprimary school teachers.Specifically, the study had three objectives which wereexaminingtheperceptionsofprimaryschoolteachersaboutin-servicetraining,identify criteria that are used in selecting primary school teachersfor in-servicetraining and assessing the extent to which these criteria are followed in selection ofprimaryschoolteacherstoattendin-servicetraininginRungweDistrict.Respondentswere 160,consisting of139teachers,15headsofschoolsfrom15public primary schools, 4 Ward Education Coordinator (WEC), 1 School Inspector, 1District Primary Education Officer (DPEO). All participants, except teachers werepurposefully sampled while teachers were randomly sampled. Content analysis wasusedtoanalyzequalitativedatawhilequantitativedatawasanalyzedbyusingMicrosoft officeexcel 2007.During the study it was notedthatprimary schoolteachers perceived in-service training as interconnected with subjects that had severalchallenges to teachers and students but also additional level of education means inservicetrainingisinevitable.Forany developingsociety changesareinevitabletherefore policy reforms must be done regularly.Also employee should developworkers academically and improve their productivity. For the society to developissuesof academicqualificationmust be respectedalways.
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