Suleiman, Sabrina Masoud
An Examination on the Relevance of Early Childhood Advancement Certification Program to Preschool Teachers in Zanzibar.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
This study examined the relevance of Early Childhood Advancement Certification Program (ECACP) to preschool teachers in Zanzibar. The study specifically focused on certified primary school teachers who were being trained to teach in preschool classes. The study was designed to i) assess the content of ECACP, which was delivered through the use of Information Communication Technology (ICT), and ii) how it is applied in the classroom, iii) find out the challenges associated with its implementation, and iv) assess ways to improve its provision. An integrated delivery model using qualitative methodology employed for the study. The main tools used were interviews, observation checklists, and focus group discussions to find out knowledge and skills acquired by trainees during their training program. Four groups of participants were involved in the study. These included thirty (30) trainees from Bububu and Kiembesamaki teacher’s centers, five teacher trainers, two Teacher Centre Coordinators (TCCs) and four concerned staff of the Ministry of Education officials from the departments of ICT in education, pre-primary and primary education, and teacher education. The findings showed that trainees were able to apply the content learned during the training into their classroom practice through play and other physical activities such as song, games and chants. The main factor which affects the selection and capacity building of preschool teachers is that, certified primary school teachers were reluctant to start the preschool training because they saw being moved into preschool was a demotion, which signals that there is still important awareness building among the Ministry of Education and teachers on the importance of ECD.
Keywords: Childhood, Information Technology, Teachers, Children.
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