Mmasi, Sigisbert Mathias
An Investigation of the Impact
of Business Incubation in Promoting the Competitiveness of SMEs. A Case of
Business Incubator in Tanzania.
["eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_phd" not defined] thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
SMEs are considered as key drivers of socio-economic development due to their
multifaceted contributions to the economy. However the start-up failure rates are still
very high and the desired growth levels are yet to be achieved and consequently
some researchers and policy makers have turned to business incubators as a possible
boost to enterprise competitiveness through nurturing start-ups. The purpose of this
study sought to investigate the impact of business incubator in promoting the
competitiveness of SMEs in Tanzania. The study was guided by managerial skills as
independent variables, business incubation as the moderator and competitiveness of
SMEs as the dependent variable. Quantitative methods like mean, percentages,
frequencies and standard deviation were used to describe the findings while
inferential statistics like correlation analysis, regression, ANOVA, factor analysis,
regression analysis and SEM were used to establish relationships between the
independent and dependent variables and the suitability of the model. The
hierarchical moderated regression model was used to measure the strength of the
relationship between variables; the joint effect model results indicated that the
interaction term between business incubation and human skills (β= 1.384, t = 3.142,
p < .05), technical skills (β= 1.461, t = 3.084, p < .05), structural capital (β= 1.394,
t=2.975, p < .05) both exhibit a positive significant influence on competitiveness of
SMEs. Based on the results from the quantitative and qualitative findings, it was
recommended that the Government should be involved in business incubation by
sponsoring business incubation centres and facilitating participation of other
organizations in the incubation programs.
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