Hackee, Elias S.
Towards Archiving Project Sustainability through Community Participation :A Case Study of Donor Funded Project in Morogoro.
Masters thesis, The Open University Of Tanzania.
The aim of this study was to examine how community has been involved in donor funded projects as a means to sustain the flow of benefit and services after the end of donor support. Specifically the study assess extent of community participation in different phases of the project; examine the ownership of role and responsibilities of community in project implementation, to examine how community has been empowered to undertake project tasks along with the implementing agency. Simple random and purposive sampling techniques were used to select respondents from the population of Morogoro region at Kilombero district. Collected data (both primary and secondary) were coded and analyzed by using a special program known as Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 16 and Microsoft Excel 2007.
The findings revealed that the government and agencies took a control over establishment of many projects but little participation of the communities in decision making in prioritization and establishment of projects was enhanced. The sponsoring organizations and government were key financiers of projects. The study also revealed that the factors limiting the participation of communities in projects were poverty, Effect on of NGOs/ Agency approaches Community Participation, Socio-economic divisions and conflicts. Based in the research findings the study recommends that the communities should be involved from the early stages of the projects so that as create the sense of ownership of the projects. It needs efforts to eliminate all forms of interference by higher level political leaders to the district/ village/mtaa development projects to have a margin where politicians and civil servants are separated. It is recommended that other development projects should be
established in order to rise economic and social wellbeing for the people.
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