Mwanyenza, Lazaro Aloyce
Examining The Role of Trade Unions Towards Solving Employee’s Problems: A Case Study of Mwanza City Council.
Masters thesis, The Open University Of Tanzania.
The main objective of this study was to examine the role of trade unions in solving employee’s problems. Mwanza city council as the case study.Simple random and purposive sampling techniques were used to get a total of 75 study respondents from distinct trade unions which are C.W.T, TUGHE, and TALGWU. Data were collected through documentary reviews, questionnaires, and interviews. Data analysis was
based on qualitative analysis which is complemented by quantitative analysis presented in forms of tables, charts, and percentages. The findings of this study shows that trade unions havenot played its role to the extent that to insure employee’s problems are solved and their rights are preserved since workers complain that their problems still exist in the working places while trade unions are there. The study revealed that if employees’ problems could be solved there will be satisfactory working environment thus it will strengthen working and employment relationships. Therefore, under performance of trade unions leads to employee’s dissatisfaction resulting to high absenteeism rate and workers turnover. The study recommends the government should, reform regulatory framework of employment
and labour relations acts in order to increase independent functioning of trade union also workers should insure election and appointment of committed leaders to their
trade union who could stand firm during defending the interests of its members to their employers’. This will result in good working performance and satisfaction to
Key words; Trade union, Employee, Health and safety, Salary scale, Labour cases.
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