Renatus, Emmanuel Nyanda
Analysis of Health and Safety Risk Assessment in Manufacturing Industry: A Case Study of Tanzania Breweries Limited.
Masters thesis, The Open University Of Tanzania.
Recently, most of manufacturing industry is focusing on reducing lost time injuries (LTI) at workplace in order to compete in the global market by lowering costs associated with lost time injuries which include rehabilitation cost, workmen compensation, law suites and penalties.. The general research objective of this study was to analyze health & safety risk assessment in manufacturing industry. A case study design was employed. Various methods were used to collect data such as questionnaire, interview and documentation. A sample size of 72 respondents was chosen according to purpose of the study. Finding revealed that the manufacturing industry is trying to control health and safety risks associated with their operation by using different methods. These methods include hazard identification and risk assessment (HIRA), Workplace risk assessment (WORAC), planned job observation (PJO) and hazard operability (HAZOP). Based on the findings it is recommended that health and safety risk assessment should be entrenched at shop flow level in order to reduce lost time injuries. The following suggestion should be taken into consideration, training and education to all employees in conducting health and safety, proactively monitor triggers for re-assessment of high risk activities on site which minimize chances of fatal accident.
Key words: Health and safety risks, Risk Assessment, Manufacturing industries, Practices and processes
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