Mubondo, Barabona Thomas
Factors Contributing to High Staff Turnover in Non-Governmental Organizations in Tanzania.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Staff turnover refers to the rate of employees leaving an organization or a position in a year. It is a common phenomenon in an organization but when the rate is high there would be an adverse impact on an organization’s performance. The objective of the study is to provide information on factors causing high staff turnover in non-governmental organizations in Tanzania. The method used was to interview respondents from sampled nongovernmental organizations at various levels. Methodology used for data collection was interviews questionnaires and documentation.
The findings indicate that staff turnover in NGOs in Tanzania is over 40%. The high staff turnover rates not only affect replacement costs, but it negatively affects employee morale and productivity. The findings reveal poor policies and structures; a decrease in motivation, commitment, quality and quantity of work output, tense work relations and lack of communication.
The author recommends that NGOs must have clear policies and procedures which are communicated to all staff and clear understanding of organizations mission, virsion, strategies,and clear job descriptions.Also knowingavailable financial and non-financial packages promotes attachment to the organization and retain staff.The issues of managers playing a leadership role and allowing feedbacks from stakeholders is also important for effective staff retention. The finding could be used for reference in developing new policies and structures.
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