Ramadhani, Japhari Kindi
An Assessment of the Effects of School Feeding Programme on the School Enrolment, Attendance and Academic Performance in Primary Schools in Singida District.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
The purpose of this dissertation was to find out whether or not the School Feeding Programme had enhanced the school enrolment, attendance and performance in selected primary schools in Singida District. Three objectives that guided this study dissertation were: To examine the levels of enrollment before and after commencement of School Feeding Programme, to investigate the effects of School Feeding Programme on pupils attendance and to determine the effects of School Feeding Programme on pupils academic performance. Data were collected using questionnaire, interview, and focus group discussion. The analysis involved frequencies of particular responses which were presented using tables and graphs. The study sample was 172, comprising 9 head teachers, 45 teachers, 72 pupils, 45 parents, 1 District education officer. Sample random, purposive and snow ball procedures respectively were used to select the respondents.
The findings of the study showed an increase in school enrolment and attendance and modest have achieved due SFPs and few schools noticed static in terms of school enrolment and attendance due poverty, long distance and poor negative attitude towards education. The study recommended that the government through MoEVT should expand and improve school infrastructure and encouraged parents to build the culture of contributing for proper implementation of the SFPs.
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