Mosha, Peter
The establishment and Training of Women peer saving groups for improved sustainable livelihood.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
This is a dissertation work conducted as an essential part for the academic award of Masters in Community Economic Development for the year 2014. Community Needs Assessment that was conducted at Mwika Kaskazini Ward in Moshi District Council. Aim was to assess socio- economic context of women in the ward. Research methodologies, design and tools were used. Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) program was used to analyze data. Among others key CNA findings was, 72% of the respondents said they are unable to provide reliable household basic needs due to low income. 97% of the respondents said they would be ready to engage in peer saving groups to change to desirable livelihood situations.
Community needs prioritization and leveling was done. Women’s associative strength, weakness, opportunities and challenges assessed. Prioritized needs included training on; entrepreneurship education, marketing skills, financial management and awareness on human right education. Through the CNA, problem was identified to be low income of some of women at Mwika Kaskazini Ward in Moshi District Council. The project was hosted by N.G.O. working in Kilimanjaro region called KWIECO. Various stakeholders were included during the implementation. The project started in January and ended in August 2014.
After the CNA, Project planning, description, literature review, implantation plan, logical frame work, inputs, staffing pattern, implementation report and Gantt chart were done as presented in this report. Three women peer saving groups were established and trained at the ward.
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