Aber, Paska
Rebuilding Livelihoods: An Assessment on the Impact of Limited Access to Agricultural Inputs in Pageya ‘B’ Village Awach Sub County Gulu District.
Masters thesis, The Open University Of Tanzania.
The study “assess the impact of limited access to agricultural inputs was conducted in Pageya B village Awach Sub-County in Gulu District,” had conducted four research objectives; to examine demographic characteristics, identify the factors /problems affecting rebuilding of livelihoods, establish causes and determine possible solution. Through a CNA Qualitative and quantitative data were collected using structured interview, Focus group discussion, KII and observation administered in a participatory manner using PRA approach. Findings revealed that in the village recovering from over two decades of war(1986-2006), their livelihood means crop production (66.7 %) was affected low crop production (40%) causes by limited access to agricultural inputs (60%).Therefore provision of Agricultural input (hand hoses)was required appropriate (50%) through enhancing opportunities for accessing agricultural input-hand hoes (76.7%). The Uganda NDP document though view hoes as old traditional technology but good start in recovery situation. A midterm evaluation on the project to enhance access to agricultural input (hand hoes) found out that; the project was relevant to needs 100% and increased opportunities to access hoes 62.5%, beneficiaries adopted and practiced durable solutions to access hand hoes66.7%, and sustainability prospects100%.Therefore increased opportunity, capacity built and hand hoes provided, livelihoods could be livelihood rebuilt in Pageya B village.
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