Paul, Laurent
The Effectiveness of Corporal Punishment on Eradicating Truancy in Secondary Schools: A case.of Community Secondary Schools in Magu District.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
The main objective of this study was to examine the effectiveness of corporal punishment on eradication of truancy in community secondary schools in Magu district. The study was guided by three objectives that are: to examine the magnitude of truancy in community secondary schools in Magu district. Secondly was to identify types of corporal punishments commonly applied in community secondary schools in the study area, and the last was to establish a relationship between corporal punishments and increased truancy in community secondary schools. Methods used to collect data were questionnaires, interviews, focused group discussions, and documentary analysis. The study found that,using corporal punishments as means to eradicate truancy in community secondary schools is not effective, since the magnitude of truancy keeps increasing as teachers continued using it. Also, it was revealed that corporal punishments cause fears and low self confidence for one to continue with schooling. Moreover corporal punishment creates a big gap between teachers and students hence results to poor students’ learning. Amongst types of corporal punishments used canes was found being popularly used than other types such as collecting stiff sand, slashing tall grasses and pulling out trees. Finally the study recommended on improving parent and community involvement in schools’ problems, use of other proactive approaches such as guidance and counselling, use of participatory methods of teaching, and increase of extracurricular activities in schools.
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