Mbwambo, Eliatosha Moses
Implementation of Orientation Programme on Students' learning in Tanzania Secondary Schools: A Case of Moshi District Council.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
The general objective of the present study was to assess the implementation of the Orientation Programme (OP) in enhancing students’ learning in secondary schools in Moshi District Council. The specific objectives were:(1) To assess the adherence to the 2014 TIE’s guide in implementing the OP, (2) To explore the contribution of the OP on students’ learning, and (3) To identify the challenges in implementing the OP that affects students learning. The studydeployed a qualitative approach and a case study design. Four secondary schools were involved in the study. A total of 855 informantswere purposivelyselected;whereby 4 were heads of schools (HOS), 1 District Secondary Education Officer (DSEO), 2 Schools Quality Assurers (SQA), 36 teachers and 812 students.The three main tools administered in the data collection process werethe semi-structured interview, documentary reviews and unstructured observation. To ensure the trustworthiness of the findings, triangulation was used in the data collection process. The studyfound that the studiedschools did not conduct the OP as per the TIE’s guide. Additionally, it was found thattheOPenhanced students’ learning if it is taught effectively. It was further found thatreallocation, transfer and late reporting of Form Ones in public schools while the OP was in progress or had endedwerethe main challenges affecting learning.The present study recommends thatthe future studieswith a different approach shouldbe conducted in other areas for conclusive results.Also,SQA should equally advise teachers on the better practice of the OP. Later in addition, it is suggested thatsecondary schoolscurriculum be revisedto ensure the OPis incorporated as the first topic in the syllabi.
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