Omar, Said H.
The influence of
environmental factors on species diversity on crab and mangrove community in
salt panning and non-salt panning in Wete District; Pemba.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
The influence of environmental factors on species diversity on crab and mangrove
community in salt panning and non -salt panning in Wete District; Pemba by
collecting data through field observation and experimental procedure. In Start 3 Trial
version and Graph Pad Prism 6 version were used to analyze data. In this study 14
mangrove crab species were identified in Kangagani and 13 observed in Shengejuu.
The species diversity index (H') in the non-salt pan zone was 2.42 and 2.40 for
Kangagani and Shengejuu respectively, whereas H’ in the salt pan zone was 1.17 for
both Kangagani and Shengejuu. Statistically, there was a significant difference of
mangrove crab diversity in Kangagani between non-salt and salt pan zones where P =
0.0001, t=16.78 df=10. Results in Shengejuu also showed significant differences
where P = 0.0350, t=2.318 df=15. Seven (7) species of mangrove plants were
identified in Kangagani and 4 species were identified in Shengejuu in the non-salt
Zones. Also five physico-chemical variables examined (salinity, temperature, pH,
Relative humidity and rainfall). There was correlation of crabs abundance and soil
pH where (p ˂ 0.0026, r = 0.7374). The results showed there was correlation between
temperature and crabs abundance where (p˂0.0010, r = -0.6170). Mangrove crabs are
the organisms that play a significant role in the dynamics of the mangrove
ecosystems in the world. With regards to mangrove Crab Species diversity, different
crabs were identified in both Salt Pan and Non- salt Pan Zones - located at
Kangagani and Shengejuu study sites. Mangroves forest should be replanted the
same species after destruction by salt producers and others environmental
Key words: crab and mangrove diversity, salt panning and non-salt panning areas
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