Shibanda,, Jane
The Impact of
Inflation on Economic Growth in Tanzania during 1995-2017”.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
The main purpose of this study is to empirically assess the impact of inflation on
economic growth in Tanzania from 1995 to 2017. Inflation is one of the fundamental
objectives of macroeconomic policies in Tanzania. Specifically, the study assessed
the empirical evidence for significance of inflation on economic growth in Tanzania
as first hypothesis. Different statistical tests conducted revealed that inflation is
significant to economic growth since the tests displayed that these two variables
affect one another. Secondly, the study examined the hypothesis that inflation and
economic growth has positive relationship so different econometric tests like
correlation matrix test, cointegration test, Vector Autoregressive test were employed.
The results revealed the following; first, there was strong positive and negative
relationship between inflation and economic growth, secondly, the cointegration test
showed that inflation has short run relationship with economic growth, thirdly, the
Vector autoregression causality test results exposed that there was positive and
negative causality relationship between inflation and economic growth, given the
results above, then we reject the null hypothesis that Inflation and Economic Growth
have positive relationship and accept the alternative that inflation have both positive
and negative relationship on economic growth. Hence the study concludes that
inflation has significant impact on economic growth in Tanzania also inflation is the
sensitive macroeconomic variable to the economic growth. The study recommends
that before making any inflation targeting policy, the Government should build a
dynamic model that can weigh the short run costs against the long run benefits of
such policies.
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