Hassan, Macky
Effects of Marital Conflicts on Academic Performance Among Primary School Pupils in Temeke District, Dar es salaam Region.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
The study investigated effects of marital conflicts on academic performance among primary school pupils in Temeke district. Repercussion resulted from parents‟ quarrels on children‟s academic development was explored. Specific objectives of the study included; to investigate the daily social, economic, academic and psychological problems facing marital conflicts children; to examine the extent in which marital conflicts influence pupils‟ academic performance; to identify coping strategies adopted by marital conflicts children towards the enhancement of their academic performance; and to examine the role of school management in assisting pupils who experienced marital conflicts. The study was guided by attachment theory by Ainsworth & Bowlby (1991) that develops between the child and his/her primary care-givers. The study adopted the descriptive survey design, and sampling techniques were purposive and simple random in selecting a sample of 156 participants from twelve primary schools. Questionnaire and semi-structured interview guides were used to collect data. Quantitative data were analyzed with the aid of Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 16, and qualitative data were analyzed using content analysis. The findings revealed problems facing pupils from marital conflicts families like insufficiency of school needs, lack of love from both parents, and absenteeism, which affected their academic performance. It was further reported that children from marital conflict families were performing poor in their studies compared to those with good parenting. It was therefore recommended that school management should develop strategies to provide psychological and academic assistance to children with different problems, which hinder their educational development. There is also a need for personal and group counseling in schools where students with challenged homes are counseled.
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