Kitula, M.D.N.
Integration of Gender in Pro-poor Policies and Initiatives: A Reflection on Tanzania Situation.
Huria Journal, VIII (1).
pp. 116-129.
ISSN 0856 6739
Policies towards economic development are gender blind. Gender issues are considered peripheral in policies related to budgeting, credits, structural reforms, development programmes both in governments and private sector. Discussion on basic roots of gender differences have always been avoided hence the place of women in development has always remained invisible. Yet, ‘women hold up over half the sky’ This is because, they produce over 80% of the food in Tanzania, they are responsible for 90% of all house hold energy and water, they perform all the household chores and participate in informal sector whose income contributes up to 90% of household income.
Tanzania being one of the poorest countries in the world, with a GNP of USD 350 (2005) and whose majority of the people live on poverty line (USD I) per day per person, requires to make drastic changes in development strategies. This should include gender mainstreaming to empower all its citizens both men and women as a facilitation to effective participation on all their development undertakings. Gender mainstreaming– a process which involves addressing gender inequalities in all aspects of development (policies, plans, decision making and implementation), should not be seen as a separate process but rather a process that transforms planning, budgeting through gender mainstreaming, to address needs of women, the poor, the disadvantaged people and children.
It is recommended that, policy makers and, implementers, economists, advocacy groups and the like, be sensitized on gender mainstreaming concepts, strategies to empower women to enable them liberate themselves. Advocate for political will to ensure gender mainstreaming is effected, train staff to know entry points in gender mainstreaming of budgets, plans and projects and ensure there is a policy on gender mainstreaming to provide guidelines on how to undertake the process effectively.
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