Bishangirwa, Liberatus Robert
Teachers and Students’ Participation In Curriculum Management in Secondary Schools in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
This study examined the teachers and student‟s participation in curriculum management in secondary schools in Dar es Salaam. Specifically, the study examined the curriculum management approaches; assessed the modalities of participation of teachers and students; and determined the challenges faced in managing curriculum. Mixed research approaches were deployed and data were collected using interviews, questionnaire and Focus group discussion. Eight (8) secondary schools were involved with a total of 41 teachers and 40 students. The study found that heads of schools apply multiple curriculum managerial approaches, relying more on inspection strategies and administrative monitoring than participatory approaches. The modalities for teachers‟ to participation in curriculum management are such as classroom management, counseling, motivating and inspiring students, inviting and engaging parents in management and addressing student‟s problems. Moreover, the study found student representations in school management meetings as a modality for their participation in curriculum management. Furthermore, the challenges of curriculum management are such as; lack of teacher motivation, inadequate learning resources and large classrooms. This study concludes that, in order to sustainably address the challenges of curriculum management, teachers and students must be involved in curriculum management. Nevertheless, the study recommends contingency curriculum management with inclination to participatory approaches for effective participation of teachers and students. Consequently, the efforts to train teachers on their curriculum managerial roles are crucial. Finally more studies are recommended on the participation and roles of parents (guardians) in managing secondary education curriculum.
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