Haule, Ernest George
An Investigation of the Influence of Primary School Pupils Dropout in Ruangwa District, Lindi Region.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
The study investigated the factors influencing primary school pupils‘ dropout in Ruangwa District, Lindi Region. The study was guided by four research objectives: Assess education stakeholders‘ conception of pupils‘ drop out, investigate the influence of family background on pupils dropout, examine the factors which contribute to pupils drop out of school, and suggest ways of reducing pupils dropout of the schools. The study used descriptive research design informed by mixed methods research approaches i.e. qualitative and quantitative approaches. A sample of 130 respondents was drawn from the target population using simple random sampling and purposive sampling techniques. It included 30 parents, 30 teachers, 30 enroled pipils, 30 drooped out pupils, 6 headteachers, 3 ward education officer and 1 ditrict education officer. Data were collected through questionnaires, interviews, and Focused Group Discussion (FGD). The study revealed that people conceptualize dropout as the tendence of pupils not completing the cyle of schooling due to various reasons including early marriage and low economic income of the family; the study further revealed family background including poor education level to have an influence on pupils‘ dropout. The study recommended some ways of reducing dropout in primary schools to include policy innovation to allow stakeholders flexibility in addressing challenges related to truancy and dropout. The government and other stakeholders to ensure presence of enough teachers and adequate teaching and learning resources in schools. The study recommends for further study around this topic focusing on other level of learners and theoretical application and methodological approaches. It is predicted that if another similar study is undertaken, it is likely to reveal similar results hence not only increasing the reliability and validity or trustworthiness of the study but also adding new knowledge on the knowledge base about the factors influencing pupils dropout in Ruangwa District schools.
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