Kandoje, Agnes Alekani
Women's influence on family purchase decision in Tanzania.
Masters thesis, Open University of Tanzania.
The importance of married women in purchase decision making has grown over the
years. They not only make purchase decisions for their personal consumption but they
also influence family purchase decision making This research looks at available
literature, which is discussed with respect to women's influence on family purchasing
decision on product categories, decision making stages, levels of disagreements, roles
played by members of the family during decision making, socializing agents, like
husband, children, peers, and media internet and the general opinion of freedom of
married women relating to purchase decision making. This study is particularly
focusing on Tanzania women.
The study employed a descriptive design to acquire qualitative and quantitative data.
The targeted study area was Ilala, Kinondoni, and Temeke districts. Area sampling
method that divided the districts into wards for smooth management was used to obtain a
sample of 84 married women residing in Dar es Salaam with their respective couples. 61
married women responded to the questionnaire representing a response rate of 72.62
percent. Two sets of questionnaires were administered one in English and the other in
Swahili. Data collected were analyzed with the assistance of the software package for
the Social Sciences (SPSS).
The findings reveal that women have more influences on purchase of domestic furniture
and domestic appliances whereas men have more influence on domestic furniture, cars,
television etc. Level of disagreements happened in the family due to differences in
choice. Lastly, the African culture where Tanzania belongs, preserve the image of the husband as the breadwinner even though the wives may be earning more than their
Recommendation is given to marketers that they should target women who have more
influence on purchasing of the domestic appliances.
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