Leopard, Jacob
Language Changes within Kibena.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
The aim of the study was to examine Language changes within Kibena,leading to formation of Kimaswitule in Njombe district, (the area of study where Kibena is spoken). The study is organized in five chapters, the first chapter introduces the origin of the word Bena and the area of the study. It shows the geographical location of Kibena together with its main dialects. It also gives the statement of the problem. Moreover, the chapter presents the significance of the study and the theoretical frame
work. The Second chapter reviews the few available studies on Kibena. The chapter reveals the achievements of the studies and the challenges which necessitated this study, the third chapter describes the methods applied in the study. It is organized under the following sections: The areas of study research design, target population, sampling,
sampling design, instruments for data collection and data analysis. The fourth chapter is about data presentation, analysis and discussion of the findings. The chapter presents the factors that influence Language change from Kibena to Kimaswitule. The changes are due to location, participants, personal needs, sociocultural groups, influence from other languages, intermarriages, religion and
urbanization. The fifth chapter summarizes the findings and concludes the study. It recommends that there is a need to conduct more research on the topic and if possible to have a study on each dialect to see how the changes from Kibena to Kimaswitule affect each of them
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