Philbert, Edwin
Factors Influencing Youth Unemployment in Tanzania.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
This study examines the factors influencing youth unemployment in Tanzania using integrated Labour force survey of Tanzania for 2014 conducted in Tanzania mainland. In analysis the issue of youth unemployment, the logit model has been used, with a series of independent variables. The model shows important role for youth’s level, education level, and age of a youth, youth’s gender, and youth’s place of resident, headship status. The findings show that being married, male head of the household, presence of paid and self-employed in the household, significant reduced the probability of a youth being unemployed. On the other hand youth‘s education level of and living in urban increases the probability of a youth being unemployed. Further, the result indicates that the likelihood of unemployment tends to decrease as age of a youth increases. The government may need to enhance gender equality in access to education, training and employment in order to reduce high unemployment among youth women. Moreover, there is a need for the government to focus attention on the rural- urban drift in order to deal with the problem of rural -urban migration and consequently reduce high youth unemployment in urban- rural areas. It is also important to restructure some human capital development and labour market issues that relate to employment in order to match skills with labour market demand.
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