Lyimo, Lowael Peter
The Impact of School Inspection on the Students’ Academic Achievement.
Masters thesis, The Open University Of Tanzania.
This study has been conducted in Dodoma district. The aims of the study were to investigate the contribution of school inspection on the academic achievement of
students, compare students’ academic achievement in schools before and after regular inspections, find the correlation between frequency of inspections and improvement of students’ academic achievement and finally get the views of stakeholders on how to improve the impact of school inspection on academic achievement. Despite the fact that school inspections are conducted by school inspectors stationed at district and zonal offices still academic achievement continues to drop, this is according to Uwezo Tanzania (2010). The observation has triggered
concern on the failure of school inspection to provide the intended outcome. Five secondary Schools were involved in the study and three educations stake holders.
Data collection includes questionnaires, Focus Groups Discussion and documentation. The research analysis based on school inspection and its contributions to higher academic achievement. Regularly it indicates the correlation
between school inspection and academic achievement. To enhance the impact of school inspection on academic achievement, it was recommended that the budget for
school inspection be increased, inspection schedules be followed, feedback to school be promptly provided, and frequency of inspections be increased. Also inspectors are
required to provide adequate guidance and support to schools.
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