Shayo , Adeline Ignas
Dairy Value Adition Through Small Scale Dairy Processing Technology: A Case of Uwaso Group in Sokon 1 Ward Arusha – Tanzania.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Umoja wa Wafugaji Sokon 1 dairy group are local community based organization CBO in Sokon 1, Arusha city. UWASO CBO was established 2009 with 93 members. This report describes a community need assessment process for establishing the project of dairy value addition through small scale dairy processing technologies to improve household income. This is precisely because of the following advantages in Dairy production. It helps to increase long life of milk and it improves the quality of milk by producing products of high quality and long–life products such as butter, cheese, yoghurt and ghee. This can support small holder farmers both in terms of subsistence and income generation without requiring large capital injection. There is potential that production of milk has been little dissemination of information and empowerment with regard to Dairy value addition through small scale dairy technology. However, it is important to add value on milk production through small scale dairy technologies as much as it would attract more people to engage in their dairy production and marketing as much as there is potential demand for their Dairy production. This project is being implemented by a group of UWASO CBO members. The group will receive training focused on Dairy value addition small scale dairy technologies, entrepreneurship and business skills, savings and credits and marketing skills. In addressing the limiting factors named above I will use the locally available resources to achieve the set of objectives direct beneficiaries are the members of UWASO CBO and the community at large through sharing knowledge acquired. The project implementation has employed community Economic development (CED) approach where by communities join together for development initiatives within their own community.
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