Khamis, Riziki K.
Assesment of Impacts of AIDS on work Organizations”:A case of Iringa Municipality.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
This study investigated impacts of HIV/AIDS to work organizations. The study was conducted to three public institutions and two private institutions. Data were mainly collected through interviews, questionnaire and documentary review.
Major assessed variables on this included types of impacts of AIDS to work organizations, increased staff turnover, morale decline, loss of tacit knowledge loss of skills, increased cost and declining productivity as a result of HIV/AIDS scourge.
The results revealed that the kinds of impacts of AIDS to work organizations are basically economic and social.
It was revealed that AIDS has impacts to work organizations as it increased costs, increased staff turnover, productivity declined, morale of staff declined, skills and knowledge were depleted.
Also results revealed that a forty percent of visited public institutions had workplace HIV/AIDS policies but they were not contextualised to reflect Iringa vulnerability towards the pandemic while one percent of the same had no laid down policy to handle HIV/AIDS. For private organizations 20 percent had policy documents and 20 percent had no such document.
It was found that existing HIV/AIDS response programmes provided promise of initiatives on curbing the pandemic at workplaces except most of them relied on donor support. That was a major setback in the fight against HIV/AIDS infections because once donors change priority everything will be at the end.
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