Masima, Reuben
The Influence of Cargo Handling Systems on Port Performance in Tanzania.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
The purpose of this study was to provide an analysis on the influence of cargo handlingsystems onportperformanceinTanzania.Thestudywantedtofindoutwhydespitetheincreasingimportanceofcargohandlingineconomicgrowthandportperformance, yet in some countries like Tanzania there is less effort to improve thesituation. The assumption was cargo handling is a backbone of a port, therefore, anyeffort to improve cargo handling simultaneously influencing the economic growth,development andperformance.In order to findanswers to theabove raised puzzlethe study employed qualitative research methodology, through IDI‟s, observation,and documentary reviews. The finding of the study reveals that there are severalproblemsconcerningcargohandlinginTanzaniaports.Amongtheproblemmentioned mostly include bureaucracy (hierarchical), cargo clearance and logisticsmanagement. These problems have said to deteriorate the performance of port andsubsequently in economic growth and development. Additional to that it is revealedthat inadequate technological equipment in cargo handling is among the hindrancefactor to the performance of the port. It was revealed that some countries decided notto be served by Tanzania port because of mentioned problems. Lastly, the studyrecommended that in order to improve performance of Tanzania port, raise revenue,economic growth anddevelopment cargo handlingfactor shouldbeimproved.
Keywords: Cargo Handling Systems, Port, Dar essalaam, Tanzania
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