Adolph, Patrick
Impact of Motivation on Work Performance for Public Secondary School Teachers; The Case Study of Lindi Municipality.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
This study sought to examine the impact of motivation on work performance for public secondary school teachers; the case study of Lindi municipality. The study was guided by four specific objectives; namely (i) to find out the relationship between teacher’s salary and work performance, (ii) to determine the relationship between professional development of teachers and work performance, (iii) to find out the relationship between working conditions of teachers and work performance and (iv) to determine whether teachers’ promotion have an impact on work performance. Positivist research philosophy was adopted with a quantitative approach design. Descriptive analysis was used to analyze collected data through questionnaires whereby relationships and percentages were analyzed. A Sample of 101 teachers were drawn from 158 teachers working at Public secondary schools in Lindi municipality. The study found that salary has a strong, positive and significant effect on teacher’s performance. Professional development especially training was found to have a moderate positive and significant effect on teacher’s performance. Teachers working condition was found to have a strong, positive and significant effect on their performance. Equably important was promotion, which was found to have a strong, positive and significant effect on teacher’s performance. Therefore the study recommended the government should increase teacher’s salary increments yearly according teachers’ scheme. Secondly adequate training should be provided to teachers in order to update them with the changing of curriculum frequently, promotion should be on time every four years and not leaving a teacher to stay in one grade for many years. Lastly is that, the government should improve working conditions like housing, classes, computers and laboratories.
Keywords: Motivation, Salary, Professional Development, and Promotion
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