Rwegerera, Gideon Mbeta
The Effect of Service Quality Delivery on Customer Satisfaction in the Banking Industry in Tanzania: A Case of I&M Bank (T) Limited”.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
The main objective of the study was to assess the effect of service quality delivery on customer satisfaction in the banking industry, which determine the relationship between the main antecedents of customer satisfaction in banks services namely expectation and perceived service quality. The service quality gap was established using SERVQUAL model by comparing expectations with actual perception of services. Scale reliability was assessed using Cronbach's alpha to determine the internal consistency of the measurement scale. Also statistical techniques such as paired sample t- test, mean and standard deviation were calculated. Correlation analysis was used to establish the relationship between service expectation and perception of service quality towards customer satisfaction. The findings showed that customer expectations are more than their perceived service in all the service quality dimensions except for Tangibility. Therefore, service quality in the banking industry was slightly lower than customer expectations. Correlation analysis results indicated that Expectations and Perceptions have a statistically positive significant linear relationship with customer satisfaction. The study recommends future studies to be conducted in other banks with more branches in the country. A similar study is also recommended to be done using a different methodology to see if the same results will be obtained
Key words – SERVQUAL, Expectation, Perceived Service and Customer satisfaction.
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