Dossa, Amira Anwar
The Role of Motivation Factors on Employee Performance: A Case of Mnazi Mmoja Hospital Dar es Salaam.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Performance of employees in health sector has been a significant concern in many government particularly in sub-Saharan countries. Present study aims to investigate the impact of motivational factors on employee’ performance in health sector. Cross sectional design was adopted as the study design whereas questionnaire and interview were employed as data collection instruments. Further, research instruments were distributed and administered to 150 employees whom were randomly selected. On the other hand, both qualitative and quantitative approaches including descriptive, inferential, and thematic analysis were employed to analyse collected data. Result identified five significant motivational factors which were employed in health sector included recognition, rewards, health insurance, promotion, and salary increment. Moreover, employee’ performance was revealed to drop within past three years in terms of number of served patients. However, most of the employees were observed to develop their career within that respective period. On the other hand, results evince significant positive relationship between motivational factors and employee’ performance. The study concluded that, effective motivational strategies influences good performance of the employees in health sector. In addition, the study recommends government to impose policies that aims to improve existing motivational strategies in health institutions as well as regular implementation of training.
Keywords: Employee’ Performance, Motivational Factors & Motivation.
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