Chimazi, Florence Julius
Assessment of Open Performance Review and Appraisal System to Public Secondary Schools Teachers at Momba District Council.
Masters thesis, The Open University of Tanzania.
Despite a number of studies on how appraisal system is not effectively implemented, still with all the recommendations suggested in this regard, the situation of poor employee performance is still being observed in many working places. This study assessed the Open Performance Review and Appraisal System (OPRAS) to Public Secondary Schools Teachers at Momba District Council. The study was guided by Goal-Setting theory. The Goal-Setting theory explains the use of different performance management styles to show that the greater the employee involvement in goal setting the more productive the performance is. Also this study used crosssectional research design and a sample size of 30 respondents was selected. The data were analysed using SPSS. The findings of the study revealed that supervisors are the one who sets the objectives contrary to the OPRAS guidelines as majority responded that they don’t discuss the Objective with their supervisors. The study showed that lower level of understanding on OPRAS among supervisors and supervisee may lead in effective implementation. Moreover the supervisors had adequate knowledge about OPRAS and operational staffs were aware about the concept and the process. It is recommended that the level of understanding and motivation should be enhanced by stakeholders in order to cultivate the positive perception of teachers against Open Performance Review and Appraisal System. Also it is recommended that proper articulation of strategic plans should be done by stakeholders’ through participatory systems.
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