Mwakibete, Ambwene
The Role of Rail Transport to the Port Performance: A Case of Dar es Salaam Port.
Masters thesis, The Open University Of Tanzania.
The study examined the role of rail transport in improving the port performance with
particular reference to Dar es Salaam port. The study used exploratory research
methodology and survey techniques to collect data related to the topic understudy.
Both qualitative and quantitative approaches were used in data analysis. In particular,
the software used is SPSS Version 16.0 and Ms Excel. The findings of the study
revealed that rail transport plays a great role in the port performance. Among them
include reduction of port congestion, improve cargo handling system and increases
the port and government revenues. It increases the average of cargo traffic, lowering
the cost of logistic and improves customer satisfaction. Therefore, rail transport is
one among the major factors which can accelerate the growth in economies. Despite
of this contribution to port performance, the situation of railway transport is in a poor
state. It is noted that, the government have invested mainly in road infrastructure
improvement, while neglecting railways. The responsible factors for this decline
includes lack of efficient rail system, low capacity of rail transport, poor emphasis in
rail/port intermodal and limited financial resources. This implies that there are strong
and positive relationship between rail transport and the operation performance of the
port. Finally, the study recommends that the government should promote railway
sector in order to improve port performance and raise port and government revenues.
The process should include the private sector in their capacity as major users of the
railway infrastructure and facilities. The Government should look for stakeholders,
financiers and development partners to ensure that railway financing is enhanced.
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